Fast Data Collection Technologies
In today’s world, the concept of data has a very important place. Now almost everyone, everything can generate data, collect data. This has created the concept of Big Data, which is popular today. With the effective use and management of the produced data, large and important studies can be put forward.
In times when technology was not very advanced, data was collected slowly in the field. When people wanted to do a study, they would go to the workplace, make observations, collect data, and then start working. Today, studies to be carried out with the development of technology can be collected and carried out quickly and with high accuracy with the data received from sensors, satellites and signals.
There has been an undeniable progress in the field of Geographical Information Technologies. Many spatial analysis and location-based studies such as making spatial analysis with the help of satellite images without going to the field in difficult terrain conditions, creating fast, high-precision 3D city models with the help of drones, mobile mapping studies with developing Lidar technologies can now be done quickly and easily.
With the development of Fast Data Collection Technologies, the work carried out has accelerated and increased. This directly affects development and improvement.

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